This is my full-size, 16 motion axis, programmable animatronic C-3PO protocol droid character. I began work in September 2018 with the goal to have him operational for Star Wars Celebration Chicago in mid-April 2019.

He is a stationary animatronic character with range of motion to replicate the movement and degrees of freedom of the C-3PO animatronic in the Star Tours queue area in the Disney parks. Anchored at the feet, with legs and pants that can pivot at the waist, torso movement front-back and side-side, full shoulder-arm-wrist-finger articulation, and neck/head motion. Motion programming is to be as realistic as possible, and to truly convey the spirit of the character. Voice-over, background sound effects, and a lighted base are also part of the plan.
The first video below contains a walkthrough of the project so far, as of April 2021.
I keep a log of the build on the Replica Prop Forum with the latest updates and improvements.